Episode 90: Creating a Sustainable Life with Anna Lovind
Anna Lovind
“when we slow down, when we focus, things move smoother”
Anna Lovind helps feminist creatives and change-makers go from dreaming to doing – without the striving and overwhelm.
She is the author of The Creative Doer, and she hosts a beautiful online course and community where women from all over the world gather to make good stuff happen.
Anna lives with her two daughters, two cats and a dog in rural Sweden, where forests are deep, winter is dark and summer nights last forever.
Creating from overflow rather than exhausting the resources you have in order to live a sustainable life
Learn to consistently fill ourselves up and tend to our needs
The things that are usually described for self-care such as bubble baths or massage are quick fixes but they don’t address the things that brought you to exhaustion in the first place
Where is the balance off in your life right now? E.g start with sleep, nutritious movement, sufficient downtime
What changes can I make right now?
Do I have enough support in my life? E.g around caretaking for children or eldery people
Where in my life can I give less?
Draining relationships - where giving too much rather than receiving
The focus on the individual, where we are meant to do everything ourselves is crushing
Finding the right people to support you- especially when you want to slow down and do less and question what we’ve been conditioned to do
When you keep saying yes to everything, you’re saying no to the things that really matter to you. When you start to say no and prioritising, there’s more space in your life to focus on the few things
Exploring what’s your actual, sustainable pace when you remove yourself from the hamster wheel
When we slow down, it becomes a smoother journey. Smoother often translates to being faster, getting to where we want and need to go
Rushing and striving keeps us stuck
Resistance v knowing when you need to rest
Fear usually sits beneath resistance - sit with it, journal etc to give it a voice
Breaking things down to make the next step small and doable
Often our goal is the same as the to-do list! The gap between where you are now and where you want to go is too big. Break it down with a personalised approach for your particular situation and circumstances
We can make big things happen with very little, if we know how to support ourselves and use our time and resources well
Supporting yourself rather than cajoling yourselves creates a different experience and result
Creating the circumstances where flow can happen. Flow requires relaxation, inner and outer space, overflow
Being in co-creation with whatever comes through you
Show up, stay committed and have support in order to create- you don’t have to wait for inspiration
The first step is the most important one
How much time and space you have will affect the size and scope of your dream
Almost everyone can find/ take back 10 minutes in their day and devote it to whatever really matters to them
We have vastly different starting points
You don’t have to make a living from your dream. Sometimes a job that is satisfactory and pays the bills is a better option if it can provide the space for your dreams
Validate yourself, your own work and your own life
Capitalist mindset values size, speed and productivity
You won’t know until you try
Failure as information rather than something to avoid
Connect with Anna on Instagram and her website
Link to book: ‘The Creative Doer – A Brave Woman’s Guide from Dreaming to Doing’
Anna’s community and course, ‘The Creative Doer’
Keep in Touch with Avni:
Sign up for my free course ‘5 Days to Wellness with Ease’