A 4-week online programme where you will learn how to listen to your body, since you are the expert on you.
We cover ways to simply take care of your needs within a busy day, without overloading or complicated regimes. The focus is on what feels good, as this is most nurturing to you. Frankly there's enough hard work and pushing in more of life.
Mindful Movement
Topics include:
Making Space for Yourself
Waking up your Senses
Connecting with your Breath
Unfurling your Spine
The Gift of Rest
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their wellbeing, and do it with kindness and care.
You might have a busy life where there's always something that takes priority. Or you might not live close enough to come for treatment. Or you might be yearning to develop your independent practice, especially if you are already a yogi or meditator.
You may be time-poor juggling priorities at work and home, that leave your self-care needs at the bottom of the to-do list.
Perhaps you're used to 'work hard, play hard' but it doesn't feel right anymore.
You may be a creative who needs structure to be able to go with the flow and stay well. Or maybe you already have good health habits, but you can be too rigid with yourself.
"This course is for anyone who is aware that their body is saying something, but is unsure what it's trying to tell them."
The emphasis is on self-care, doing what feels good and keeping it simple so that you can make sustainable, enjoyable changes.
Over the 4 weeks, I will share the enquiry of listening to the body in a world of information overload. There will be simple tips on staying well without overwhelm.
By learning how to listen to your body, you’ll become proactive in how you look after your health, prevent unnecessary injuries and illnesses and build rituals that support you to shine. When you have a good foundation of health, you can truly be you in all other areas of your life.
What works for you doesn’t necessarily work for someone else.
That's why it's essential to learn to listen to your body. By tuning inwards, you will discover your personal self-care needs.
How it Works:
The Intuitive Way to Wellness will be repeated 3 times a year. Once you have signed up you will have lifetime access and you can join in as often as you like - either working on new aspects of wellness or whenever it feels like you need a boost.
You will receive two emails a week with tips and practical tools. There will be a weekly live call where you can ask questions in advance. There will be a replay if you can't make it live.
The next round starts on Monday 15th December 2020.
Why I've created this course
"Health doesn’t have to be an armful of supplements nor does it have to be a punishing regime.
It’s so much more than eating the right things and sleeping. It’s about bringing colour and joy and verve back into every day."
I've created this course for many reasons. I've watched my parents make sacrifices so that I could have a good education and have a better life. My mum was a kidney donor when she had a 5 and 7-year-old. She had a full-time job and still stood in the kitchen rolling fresh chapattis and home cooking every day. They missed out on holidays for years. They spent the free time they didn't have taking care of their elderly parents and our extended family.
Self-care was a luxury they didn't have. Whilst I admire all that they did for others, the attention was never on themselves. I always say to clients that to nurture others you need to be nurtured first.
I'm lucky to be able to do a job that I love, and I am creating a way of working smarter so that I can help more people whilst using the best of my energy and skills. I've heard similar client stories and seen patterns emerge from clients about ailments. I want to impact people by providing the tools to take ownership of your own health needs.
In the last 5 years, I've personally experienced a number of losses that have woken something up inside of me about how fleeting life can be. There's been unexpected illness and heart-breaking bereavement in the family. It's made me more urgent about living on purpose instead of getting caught up in the 'busy busy' of the daily grind.
In the shiny world of social media I see a level of perfection that just isn’t sustainable. Everyone seems to be a 'health expert' these days. Only you can be the expert of your body. Health doesn’t have to be an armful of supplements nor does it have to be a punishing regime.
I want to empower more people to see the value of their health and wellbeing.
It’s so much more than eating the right things and sleeping. It’s about bringing colour and joy and verve back into every day.