Episode 95: Taking a Break
Photo credit - Krish Majumdar
This is going to be the last podcast episode for a little while. I’m so grateful to you for listening, and sharing episodes and I hope that they’ve given you food for thought and new practices and ways to see things. There’s now a stash of 95 episodes so there’s plenty to keep you busy if you’d like to catch up on past topics.
I’m looking forward to having the space to see what comes up and plant some new seeds. A lot has changed for me in recent months about how I see my role in the work that I do and who has access to it. I’ve been trying to find a way to work sustainably and support more people whilst managing my energy levels. All the intense world events of late have really highlighted health inequalities and issues with accessing care, to an extent that I can no longer feel fully satisfied about the work that I do.
One thing I know in my bones is that the events of the last few months have untold effects on our psyches, emotional and physical health. There still is, and will be, a collective impact for a long time to come. One of my choices is to intentionally keep life as slow and sustainable for the foreseeable to give my system a chance to process things. I feel it each and every time that I’m in clinic - the work is definitely more draining and takes more focus. I’ve known colleagues and teachers to get sick from taking on too much in their work, and that’s something that I’m aware of preventing.
I can feel burnout fast approaching.
It’s difficult because I love what I do and I genuinely care about making a difference to my my clients’ lives.
When I think of my mum, who has seemingly endless reserves to take care of neighbours, family and friends, I realise the importance of the exchange.
When I was 19 or 20 years old I first had the chance to study Reiki, the hands-on energy healing technique. I am so glad for that education at that young age because the importance of exchange was always clear. Especially in caring industries, the boundaries have to be extra water-tight, because you are naturally programmed to give and give. And if you give without replenishment, you’re no good to anyone.
It’s almost 2 weeks since ‘Freedom Day’ was announced in the UK. Having a job where I am in close proximity with clients, and especially the newborns and pregnant women that I work with, I take it seriously. Although some people are really revving up their social time, I’m giving myself the break that I’ve been craving. I’m yearning for the long summer holiday you get when you’re at school, when the days feel long and endless. I love the Mediterranean way of closing for August and coming back regrouped and refreshed. And even though I’m not travelling this summer, it’s important to slow down and take life a little more gently. The energy of summer should be long days. Picnics. Informality. Being able to wander.
Even stepping away from social media and the constant stream of ideas and perfect images is a valuable thing to do.
For me there’s a fine line between routine and wild abandon. If the routine becomes too stagnant, I get bored and distracted. If I don’t have enough routine, I get lost and it’s hard to stay in a good place. There’s a happy medium with sleep, exercise, nutrition, meditation and so on but it’s good to have structure and flow and mix it up from time to time.
I don’t know how things will shape up in the future, but I do think I’ll come back to ’Speak From the Body’ with short series in the future. I really enjoy the intimacy of podcasting. But I also know that I need to be more visible and have some ideas around that that I’m looking forward to exploring.
One thing I wanted to leave you with is an idea that I have called ‘Delicate Darling’. My late aunt used to call me that whenever I was being whingy about a sore tummy or other ailment. I grew up in a culture where strength and keeping going was always praised. But sensitivity is a superpower. I wouldn’t be able to tune in and feel things if I wasn’t a ‘Delicate Darling’. I wanted to have some workshops for anyone who is a ‘Delicate Darling’, whether they resist it or not. They might be grappling with a chronic illness or mental health challenges, or having fertility treatment or in the first trimester of pregnancy. They may be processes sing some big life effects. I haven’t fully formed it in my head as yet, but I know that ‘Delicate Darling’ will be a space to gather and feel a sense of belonging if you’re feeling under par. It will be gentle, restful and spacious. Send me a message @avnitouch on Instagram or an email if you’d like more information.
I look forward to connecting again in the future and wish you health, peace and space to feel.